We've been here in South Africa for over 3 weeks now, with just 6 more days to go. Of course we've got a big party planned for Sunday, thanks to my Auntie Carol. Otherwise, Mum and I are going through the trunk of old pictures, documenting everything, and we've still got a few more interviews to shoot. We're doing our best to wrap things up.
However, my thoughts have already turned to home... so, this week's Friday Five is all about home and family:
1. Where is home for you?
2. Are you at home now, or away?
3. What do you miss about home when you are away?
4. Who are your family?
5. Can you ever really leave home?
1. Until recently, I would have answered the Upper Valley (aka, the UV), on the border between NH and VT. I lived there for 5 years, and it really did feel like my community. But these days, I am living in BC, and home for me means Sharmeen and Canada.
2. I am far away, although I am discovering that I have many deep connections to this place.
3. Right now, I miss the safety, security, and freedom of Canada. The security here in South Africa right now leaves a lot to be desired, and many people I know feel unsafe due to crime. This doesn't feel free to me.
4. I have lots of family. It's been wonderful seeing all my extended family here. There really is a "family feeling" with people I only know from two previous visits, or have only heard about from afar. I also miss my "family" in the UV, which includes Charlotte, Kimmie, and Curt, among others. And, I also feel like I am building a spiritual family back in Canada, that includes Sharmeen, Daryl, and Jenny.
5. I've left home, and I trust in my ability to find home, or make one, wherever I am. Ultimately, home is about feeling at home in the world. I think that is possible by finding that within yourself.
4. Oops... And, of course, there is my immediate family, with Christina & Vijay & JT in NYC, and Dad and Michele & Patrick out in BC, and Mum here with me... I am looking forward to spending a week with Dad out in BC, once I am safely back in Canada!
1. home for me is a multitude of places - London England (place of my birth and where i'm still attached by my Grandmother's presence), Ontario (where i grew up and where my parents reside) and of course BC where my sweetie (Ken) and I live and travel around exploring
2. i'm at home now
3. I tend to be nomadic, move often and so I experience a loss of security at times and miss creature-comforts like my books, my kitchen and whatever friends or family i'm leaving behind
4. my family consists of my Nature and Heritage by blood relation with whom i'm incredibly close, my extended family of close friends whom i cherish also (Sarah, Christine, Jen, Steve, Ian, Justin in Oz, Leanne, Heather, Daryl...) as well, of course, as my partner Ken. :)
5. I don't believe one can "leave home" because truly where my heart resides in any given moment (which is often where i am physically at any given moment) then I feel at home....it's about an openess to change and an adaptability...being able to accept "what is" means that one is capable of simply saying "this is my home right now"...
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