Mum and I are winding down our trip, and so there is a rush on to fit in everyone we can. Today we visited 4 different sets of people, which was pretty hectic. We started the day at Dr. Lulu Mahabeer's place. She was good enough to serve us a lovely lunch, and we had a nice social visit. After, Leslie Peters picked us up, and we got to visit with him, and my Mum's school chum Emily, and their son Melvin, who is a jazz pianist. We had a nice time, and then made our way over to visit with Herbie and Betty Govinden. There, we discussed Satyagraha, and I pulled out the stops for an interview. And then, finally, Jackie Nagan, and her husband Aubrey picked us up, and we had dinner and discussed the Naidoo side of the family. Jackie is my second cousin, which means that her grandmother was my grandfather Naidoo's sister. What a day! You can see all the pictures
here. Frankly, I'll be glad once we are safely back in Canada. I'm looking forward to just relaxing for a bit with Dad.
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